Search Results for: linux directory structure

Linux Directory Structure explained: /dev folder

This is our fourth post on Linux Directory structure series. Some of the posts already covered are Linux Directory Structure explained: /boot folder Linux Directory Structure explained: /bin folder What is lost+found directory in Linux/Unix? Today we will see what is /dev folder and it’s uses. Linux/Unix treat everything as files. One classic example is it treats hardware devices too as files. All hardware files are present in /dev(Device ) folder. If we observe the /dev folder you can find files/folders related to different hardware’s present in the machine. Below are some hardware files and their uses and explanation. 1. /dev/alarm This is a hardware file used to keep track of time when system goes hibernation or suspended when it is idle. When your system goes hibernation most of your hardware will be shutdown, HDD rotation is reduced to as low as possible in order to save power. This file is very much useful to keep track of system time, to do calender updates to user etc. You can say in other words that /dev/alarm will have current time status. This file is used in portable devices such as laptops and mobiles mostly. Click here to know more about this file. 2. /dev/autofs This file is used to mount remote directories locally. This is done automatically when user tries to login by mounting remote directory. The mounting is done...

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Linux Directory Structure explained: /bin folder

This is second post in our Linux directory explanation series. /bin is one more important folder. Bin stands for binary which means an executable file. This folder contains commands or scripts or executable which can be executed to accomplish a task. We have some cousins to this folder as given below along with bin folder. /bin /sbin /usr/bin /usr/sbin /usr/local/bin /usr/local/sbin Let’s start with /bin folder. 1./bin folder /bin: Stands for binary. This folder contains base executables which are required for minimal system working. These commands are available in runlevel 1 for basic administration. Commands which are available in /bin folder is accessed by every one and can run by every user. This folder contains basic commands such as cat, chmod, chgrp, chown, date, dir, dd, df, ln, mv, echo and zipping tools such as bzip, gzip etc. 2./sbin folder /sbin: This folder stands for system binaries or super user binaries. This folder contains commands which are required for changing system properties or system level settings such as disk management, network management etc. This folder is accessed some times by normal user but they can not execute any of the commands located in this and what ever commands/scripts located in this folder are run only by root user. If you want to make normal user to run these commands you have to implement SUDO or Powerbroker to give elevated access. Some of the commands available...

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Linux Directory Structure explained: /boot folder

Linux /boot folder This is the first post on our series of Linux Directory structure posts. From today onwords we will deep dive you in some of the important directories in Linux. Knowing about these directories a Linux user will know what each directory meant for. Lets start with alphabetical order. Our first Directory is /boot /boot /boot is an important folder in Linux. /boot folder contains all the boot related info files and folders such as grub.conf, vmlinuz image aka kernel etc. In this post we will try to explore what each file is used for. This is just an informative post and no configuration of these files are covered. This folder contains following files in most of the Linux distributions. We taken Redhat based machines as an example when writing this post. /boot/config-2.6.18-194.17.1.el5 file /boot/config-2.6.18-194.17.1.el5 file: This config file contains kernel configuration settings. You no need to edit this file when compiling kernel. This file is created when we are building a kernel with “make menuconfig” command. The settings in this file get changed depending on the options we select in “make menuconfig” command. The contents of this file is are setting related to modules to be loaded at the time of boot into the kernel. Want to compile your own kernel? Have a look at our older post. /boot/initrd-2.6.18-194.17.1.el5.img file /boot/initrd-2.6.18-194.17.1.el5.img file: Initrd in other words...

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My name is Surendra Kumar Anne. I hail from Vijayawada which is cultural capital of south Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. I am a Linux evangelist who believes in Hard work, A down to earth person, Likes to share knowledge with others, Loves dogs, Likes photography. At present I work at Bank of America as Sr. Analyst Systems and Administration. You can contact me at surendra (@) linuxnix dot com.