Search Results for: linux directory structure

Introduction to upstart system initialization program

Introduction In our earlier articles, we’ve discussed the sysVinit and systemd service managers. In this article, we shift our focus to upstart and understand what is upstart and how it works. We’ll also discuss why OS distributions considered using upstart over init or a combination of upstart and init. Upstart was written by Scott James Remnant, a former employee of Canonical Ltd in 2006. It was started as an ambitious project as somewhat of a hybrid of SysVinit and Systemd. Upstart was originally developed for the Ubuntu distribution but is intended to be suitable for deployment in all Linux distributions as a replacement for the venerable System-V init. It was heavily adopted in Ubuntu and partially adopted in Centos 6 and RHEL 6. But it did not become very popular and all major enterprise distributions including Ubuntu shifted to systemd in their latest stable releases being Ubuntu 16.04 and RHEL/Centos 7.   What is upstart? Like sysvinit and systemd upstart is a program that handles the system initialization process after the kernel is loaded. The system initialization is a critical part of operating system functionality is it controls the operation of every script and service. Upstart, like it’s counterparts manages services not only during system boot or shutdown but constitutes management of existing services while the system is running and also the addition or removal of services or scripts from the...

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Chef: How to run specific version of cookbook on node

These days I am working more on the chef to automate infrastructure. The Opscode’s chef is an excellent tool among Puppet, Ansible, and Saltstack. When compared to other tools chef have more learning curve but once you get the flow you love it. The chef is a pull-based configuration management tool that said it pull configuration changes onto the node. Sometimes you want to pull specific cookbook version instead of default version mention in chef environment. We can use the chef-client command on node machine to run once with just our desired cookbook instead of all cookbook available to...

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FILE’S and FOLDER’S Part-2

FILES & FOLDERS PART-II CREATING FOLDERS :Cmd4a : Creating a single folder. #mkdir foldernameExample :#mkdir testCmd4b : Creating multiple folders at a time#mkdir 1{1,2,3}This command will create folders with name 11,12,13. You can see weather this folders are created or not by using ls or dir command. Cmd4c : Creating multiple directories and sub directories at a time. This is very much advanced and very much useful command. Some times we have to create a directory structure with sub directories in it. Which are not exist before.For example I want to create the directory structure as below               /test                /               /                /                 user1       user2       /              /      /               /       /                /          apple   goa pine     tomSo if I want to create these many folders at a time i have to execute the following commands.First i have to create test directory, then I have to change the directory to it and the create two more directories as user1 and user2 and so on as below.#mkdir test#cd test#mkdir user1#mkdir user2#cd user1#mkdir apple#mkdir goa#cd ..#cd user2#mkdir pine#mkdir tomSo you see these many commands i have to execute to create that directory structure. But in linux, it’s very much easy if you know this option with mkdir command. Execute the mkdir command with -p option it will create subdirectories though they didnt exist. #mkdir -p test/{user1/{apple,goa}, user2/{pine,tom}}Thats it you are done....

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My name is Surendra Kumar Anne. I hail from Vijayawada which is cultural capital of south Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. I am a Linux evangelist who believes in Hard work, A down to earth person, Likes to share knowledge with others, Loves dogs, Likes photography. At present I work at Bank of America as Sr. Analyst Systems and Administration. You can contact me at surendra (@) linuxnix dot com.