Author: Surendra Anne

Lost Root password

Lost the Root password When you lost root password how you can recover and login back in to the system?To login in to system there are so many ways to get root access depending on security level of the system.Method1: When there is no password set to access runlevel 1. Here are the steps to change your root password the most esiest way is as follows.. 1. Start your computer when you see Redhat Linux boot loader(GRUB menu where you can see all the Operating system’s in the system) select the redhat linux and press “e”, and select second line where you can set the temporary runlevel for the system to boot 2. You will notice that now you can edit boot loader command arguments now again press “e” and edit the line to add single or 1 without quots at the end of line. 3. Press enter to return to the previous screen 4. Press b to boot with this new argument which will run Linux into single user mode. Please make sure that you see single at the end of line. 5. Now you will get root login without asking for a password in single user mode. 6. Use “passwd” command to change your password.#passwdhere it will not ask the previous password so you can just enter new password. 7. When updateing the password in runlevel1 if...

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New RHCE Examination pattern

Recently from 1st May 2009 RHCE(Red Hat Certified Engineer) exam pattern has been changed. Some of the high lights are as follows.. The examination time has been reduced to 3.5 hours from 5.5 hours as it was the previously Previously, there will be two sessions one with 2.5hour(for basic troubleshooting) session and 3hours session(for server and security configurations) But this time The content has be consolidated and reorganised into a single section. Every thing will be installed and given along with Visualization, the candidate should complete that exam is one stretch that is 3.5hrs. As you know RHCE5 SElinux is...

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Linux Interview Questions:Google

Q2) Write a command to find all of the files which have been accessed within the last 30 days. A1) The Command is , find / -atime +30 A2) # find / -type f -mtime +30 A3) find / -type f -mtime -30 A4) find / -type f -atime -30 = accessed find / -type f -ctime -30 = changed find / -type f -ctime -30 = modified Q3) How to schedule cron backup to run on 4th saturday of month?? A1) crontab -e ** ** ** ** /5 Q4) how to see unallocated hard disk space on linux A1) simply type cat /proc/partitions A2) df -h /dev/devicename device name could be hda,sda Q5) find out what file systems supported by kernel? A1) # fdisk /dev/hdx option: t it will show the supported FS in the kernel A2) cat /proc/filesystems will show all the file system types that the kernel can handle currently. Be aware that kernel will load the necessary modules automatically if it have, for a new file system type present in a new device you plug into it and then the output of the above command will vary. A3) you can give following commands #fdisk then press t this command will show all the file system with code supported by the current linux kernel. Q6) how do u extract files from iso cd images in linux?...

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My name is Surendra Kumar Anne. I hail from Vijayawada which is cultural capital of south Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. I am a Linux evangelist who believes in Hard work, A down to earth person, Likes to share knowledge with others, Loves dogs, Likes photography. At present I work at Bank of America as Sr. Analyst Systems and Administration. You can contact me at surendra (@) linuxnix dot com.